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January 25, 2021

Publishing consistent content across the enterprise

Does your content strategy include a plan for publishing consistent content? Technical content is written to inform the user. Marketing content is written to persuade the user to buy your product or service. The line between those two types of content is starting to blur. 

Because there’s so much information available, potential clients are looking up both tech content and marketing content prior to making a purchase. Having a plan for publishing consistent content across the entire customer journey is essential for reaching your potential clients and remaining competitive in your industry. 

Reaching your potential clients

All too often we see marketing departments working separately from tech pub departments. It’s important that these Screenshot of creating a new post in WordPressdepartments communicate with one another so that your brand is consistent across all content. The content that your company publishes should be of interest to your target audience. It’s not enough to just regularly publish content like white papers, case studies, and podcasts. 

What kinds of trends are you seeing in your industry? What are your client’s pain points? What questions do you get most frequently? Sit down with your coworkers from both marketing and tech departments and brainstorm answers to these questions. Use those answers to help inform the topics you write about.

Remaining competitive 

When looking for products and services, most people conduct some sort of internet search. Your online visibility is important so potential clients can find you during their search process. 

Conducting a search is one way that potential clients find you. Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important part of that search. Start by generating a list of seed keywords. These are words or short phrases that your clients or potential clients would be likely to type into a search engine. Consider both marketing and tech related words. Conduct a quick search and see what results you get. Are there any links to content or pages on your website? Do your competitors pop up first? 

If your company doesn’t have any visibility when you’ve tested your seed words, it may be time to conduct keyword research to reposition yourself. 

Remaining competitive isn’t just about keywords and SEO. It’s also about publishing content on a consistent basis. Take a look at the schedule your main competitors are using. How often are they posting to social media? Do they publish content weekly? Monthly? How often are they publishing updated tech content? Put together an editorial calendar that lays out a publishing schedule. Laying out a plan helps you maintain consistency. 


If you have a content strategy, you should have a plan for publishing consistent content across the enterprise. Need help getting started? Contact us