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Case study Content operations

Your tech expertise + our CCMS knowledge = replatforming success

Is your team skilled in navigating your current CCMS, but unfamiliar with the system you plan to adopt? During a recent replatforming project, we worked with a team of in-house experts to build out a new CCMS. The combination of their domain expertise and our replatforming experience was a big success. The client is now self-sufficient and thriving in their new CCMS environment.

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tcworld 2024


November 5th-7th 

Join us at the largest technical communication conference in the world! Here’s where you can see the Scriptorium team in action.

So much waste, so little strategy: The reality of enterprise customer content

Speaker: Sarah O’Keefe

From the program: For your customers to effectively use your products and services, it’s critical that technical, learning, and support content are fully integrated across content types. This “enabling” content helps your customers get their work done. Inside your organization, you almost certainly have three (or more!) organizations that are producing this content. Most likely, they each use a content authoring system that is optimized for their specific use case. And those content authoring systems work in isolation.

This is unacceptable.

We need to build out unified content operations so that we can single-source content components in a repository. Content objects such as instructions, definitions, and assessments can then be assembled from this single source of truth. Additionally, we must create shared infrastructure to deliver a unified customer experience; for example, enterprise taxonomy, localization, and design systems.

Unfortunately, we currently don’t have a solution for unified content. Instead, we must combine incompatible software systems. This presentation is a call to action to start working on an enterprise content operations approach.

Modernizing your content management system: The challenges of replatforming

Speaker: Bill Swallow

From the program: Many technical communication organizations have established processes inside a content management system (CMS) and a single source of truth for their content. But over time, business needs change, and the CMS chosen a decade ago may no longer be a good fit for the organization. At some point, it becomes necessary to change systems and replatform the content onto a new CMS.

Changing systems is a costly proposition, and one that needs to be assessed well. The more customization work that was done to meet your original requirements and the more content you have in the current system, the more complicated and expensive a replatforming transition will be.

In this session, you’ll learn about the business justification, the risks, and the benefits of a replatforming project.

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Industry insights Podcast Podcast transcript

Pulse check on AI: May, 2024

In episode 166 of The Content Strategy Experts Podcast, Sarah O’Keefe and Alan Pringle check in on the current state of AI as of May 2024. The landscape is evolving rapidly, so in this episode, they share predictions, cautions, and insights for what to expect in the upcoming months.

We’ve seen this before, right? It’s the gold rush. There’s a new opportunity. There’s a new possibility. There’s a new frontier of business. And typically, the people who make money in the gold rush are the ones selling the picks and shovels and other ancillary services to the “gold rushees.”

— Sarah O’Keefe

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Case study Content operations

Replatforming an early DITA implementation

Bill Swallow, Director of Operations at Scriptorium, and Emilie Herman, Director of Publishing at the Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF), shared lessons learned from a DITA implementation project. 

What did we want to accomplish with our project? One was to develop a single source of truth for our content, a single system to host all of it. Secondly, we wanted to modernize our information architecture and our content models and document all of it clearly. Lastly, we wanted to futureproof our content operations and go to a digital-first workflow.

— Emilie Herman

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