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Tag: conversion

White papers

DITA to PowerPoint: Exploring the challenges

We’ve worked on a few DITA-to-PowerPoint projects. In some cases, the project sounded like a natural fit. In other cases, the fit was less than compelling. Even in projects that seemed to have a natural fit, we encountered bumps in the road with the DITA content, the design of the slide masters, or both.

There are many good reasons to create a DITA-to-PowerPoint conversion. It’s an attractive idea to use the same material for slides and student materials (such as handouts). A DITA-to-PowerPoint conversion also allows you to create slides by reusing content from your existing topics. 

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Guest webinar with DCL

Join Gretyl Kinsey of Scriptorium and Mark Gross of DCL on September 18th at 1:00 p.m. ET for their presentation, which is called Rewrite or convert? Preparing your content for automated DITA Conversion. They will discuss key questions you’ll need to answer for a successful DITA conversion. They’ll discuss best practices they’ve seen over the years and also share what not to do before a conversion.

Register here.

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Making the most of your conversion to XML, part 1

Your publishing workflow has been the same for years, but new technology, different customer requirements, and company growth are making you realize you might need a change. Your print-based processes won’t always be sustainable, and XML is looking like a possibility for the future. There’s just one problem: you have thousands of pages of legacy content that you’ll need to convert, and it’s not exactly XML-friendly.

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Drink me: starting small like Alice

“What a curious feeling!” said Alice; “I must be shutting up like a telescope.”

And so it was indeed: she was now only ten inches high, and her face brightened up at the thought that she was now the right size for going though the little door into that lovely garden.

Lewis Carroll in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

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