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You can’t optimize what you don’t understand, and neither can your team. We’ve created training that empowers your people, including free LearningDITA and specialized CCMS training.


Need to get your feet wet with DITA, but you’re not sure where to begin? Our site, offers free e-learning on DITA authoring, reuse, and publishing.

Take advantage of a variety of classes and other resources, and make LearningDITA your hub for DITA training at your own pace with no cost. 

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duck with graduation cap

CCMS training – Heretto

Find the best fit for your team with three tiers of Heretto CCMS training:

  • Basic
  • Basic + DITA
  • Custom CCMS.
Heretto training

CCMS training – AEM Guides

Our custom AEM Guides CCMS training enables your authors to learn how to create content in their real-world environment.

AEM Guides training
Light blue background with white paper airplanes flying left to right and one yellow airplane flying farther than the rest.

Don't see your CCMS?

If you need training for a CCMS that’s not listed here, no problem. We can create custom CCMS training for almost any platform you’re looking into. Contact our team to get started!